Once a gift of securities is transferred into our account, we sell the shares immediately. The process should take no more than two days. With the information from the completed Gift of Securities form that you or your broker has provided to us, we will contact you by phone or email to confirm the transaction. We will send your printed charitable tax receipt by mail.
How to donate shares
It’s easy for you or your broker to transfer your shares directly from your brokerage account into the L’Arche Canada Foundation’s brokerage account. We sell the shares immediately after receiving them. We send a charitable tax receipt for the full market value on the day of the transfer. It is essential for you or your broker to complete our Gift of Securities form and send it to the L’Arche Canada Foundation by email or fax so we have the information we need about you and your gift to process the transaction and issue your tax receipt.
For the Gift of Securities Form, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions:
The L’Arche Canada Foundation will accept donations of publicly traded securities.
When you sell shares that you own, you will pay tax on 50% of the capital gain. When you make a charitable donation of shares to the L’Arche Canada Foundation, the taxable capital gain is completely eliminated. You will also receive a charitable tax receipt for the full market value of the shares on the day of transfer to the L’Arche Canada Foundation.
Information regarding securities and tax receipting can also be found on this website
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