Let there be peace on Earth

Greeting Friends,

As I reflect on the year past and look to the year ahead, I think of how fortunate we are to live where we do.

Our good fortune is very much a matter of where we were born – so no real credit to us as individuals.

The words of the song “Let There be Peace on Earth” written in 1955, by Jill Jackson-Miller and her husband who wrote the melody, come to my mind. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

As we move into the new year as individuals, as a L’Arche community, and as a society, my wish is that we take time for the things that really matter and that are the most important: family, friends, and the welfare of our fellow citizens of this earth.

By showing genuine kindness to those close to home who are less fortunate in any way than we are, and by helping those in other countries, as we are able, perhaps we can make a little difference for good.

To all of you, my sister Maureen and I wish to extend very best wishes for a healthy and happy Christmas and good health and joy in the year ahead.



Marilyn Bruce is visiting friends in Scotland. She's having a wonderful trip and is seen here standing by the Stones of Stenness built some 5,400 years ago. These Neolithic monuments are five miles northeast of Stromness on the mainland of Orkney, Sc

Marilyn Bruce at the Stones of Stenness

Marilyn Bruce is visiting friends in Scotland. She's having a wonderful trip and is seen here standing by the Stones of Stenness built some 5,400 years ago. These Neolithic monuments are five miles northeast of Stromness on the mainland of Orkney, Scotland.

Imagining the world Differently

L’Arche community weekend

The theme of the three days was “imaging the world differently.” By differently it is meant a better world, a place with a sense of community, where there is support when needed, acceptance and appreciation of each other in a spirit of generosity.

Members of the L’Arche Avalon Community spent three days of meetings, films, and discussion all centered around that theme. It started with a delicious potluck Board Supper Meeting which was followed by a virtual meeting with National Leader of L’Arche Canada, Louis Pilotte, who spoke to us about his lifelong journey in L’Arche. He was very engaging and inspirational in his quiet way.

As the head of L'Arche in France for many years, Louis told us that he had fostered many projects such as ours. He encouraged us to have courage and take the time to make our dream of L’Arche Avalon homes a reality, knowing that we can have an impact in our world.

On Friday night, November 4th, L’Arche Atlantic Regional Director, Jenn Power moderated a short film festival which featured several of the films from the AS I AM series by Michael McDonald. In these films the focus is on living with a disability. Each of the films gives a voice to the person with an intellectual disability. The films juxtapose the themes of dependence, independence, and interdependence. A big treat was that at the end of the films, the filmmaker met with us virtually for an hour listening to our comments and taking our questions. His comments about the films and his connection to the subjects of the films was informative and inspiring.

Beginning the day on Saturday at The Lantern, we gathered in a circle for an official welcome by Sheilah Mackinnon Drover and an overview of the day by Jenn. David Shumaker and Jacques Chiasson joined us via ZOOM from L’Arche Cape Breton. They each reflected on how the world might be imagined differently. Locally, Peter Barnes shared his first inspirational encounter with L’Arche in France and Adam Legge shared his experiences as a young man on the autism spectrum of trying to get an education and trying to live a “normal” life. Jenn shared with us the remarkable story of her friend Ed, a Mikm'aq man and member of L'Arche Cape Breton, and how the work of truth and reconciliation has led him to be able to return to live in the Indigenous community where he was born.

There was an art project centered around the theme. The day ended with sending out postcards of our group photo to various organizations in the St. John’s area just as a greeting or as an appreciation of past and ongoing support.

These were three wonderful thought-provoking, community- building days.


Maureen goes West

Various Holiday Images

Happy Holidays

Many religious traditions celebrate at this time of year!  Most celebrate the beauty, the hope and the importance of light.  May each of you, friends in L’Arche, experience light in your life- the light that brightens the darkness and gives you beauty, hope and life.

Sr. Diane Smyth

Our Christmas wishes and resolutions

Mark in his Coca Cola shirt - his favourite!

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

Christmas Greetings from Mark and his parents, Marilyn and Lewis.

“That everyone could enjoy Tombliboos” ~ Mary Beth

“My Christmas wish is for Peace on Earth.” ~Lorraine

“To get my own car” ~Christopher

“To get my driver’s license” ~ Benjamin

“Santa is coming!” ~ Dean

“To do nothing at least once a week” ~Patti

“Do yoga 6/7 nights a week to help remain calm in this crazy life!” ~ Sarah

Our Christmas wish is for a season of health and happiness. Life is too rushed and during the holidays it can get extremely busy. We just want a Christmas where everyone in our family is happy and healthy.

New Years Resolutions - we don’t make them. Why wait for a date in a calendar to make a change. If you want to make a change then any day of the year can be a wonderful date.

~ Heather, Dave and Dante

Special Olympics swimming is a highlight for anton

Anton enjoys his pool time with Special Olympics. Once a week Anton joins the Special Olympics swimming program. He very much likes being in the pool, walking laps in the shallow pool for 30 minutes (with some 'social' interruptions) with his buddy Anna-Catherine and the dedicated SO volunteer Melissa, who enthusiastically encourage him to keep going. 

The Special Olympics program, with fabulous volunteers organizing different activities and committed volunteers at the programs, is very good.  Beyond physical activity it gives Anton an opportunity to be out and about with his buddy-worker among other participants. 

Thank you to all the SO volunteers!