We Walk One

The image of the Tree of Life is a powerful symbol of community. As a symbol, the Tree of Life originated far back in ancient times. It has been a universal symbol across various religions and a popular symbol throughout diverse cultures. It has been widely known and respected all over teh world for centuries as representing multiple different facets within religions, cultures, and communities. The Tree of Life traditionally represents the interconnectedness of everything in the universe. It symbolizes togetherness and oneness and serves as a reminder that each of us is connected to each other.

A tree is, in itself, a source of life as it produces oxygen which sustains all life. The roots of a tree spread deep into the earth, receiving nourishment from Mother Earth to stabilize itself. Trees can weather the toughest of storms - a natural symbol of strength. In the context of community, the branches of a tree remind us of our diversity, sprouting out at different points, stretching in different directions, and in various formations and sizes. Over time, branches break off, new ones grow, and weather takes its toll - through it all the tree remains strong and sturdy.

During our community weekend in May this year, we were invited to go outside for a while and enjoy nature on the nearby trail along the river. I was pleasantly entertained by the behaviour of the branches on the trees along the riverbank as they stretched out over the river as if to embrace the branches of the trees on the opposite side. The trees were sharing in community too!

I am also reminded of a conversation I experienced at our recent fundraiser, the yard sale. Early in the morning after the rush of setting up had calmed down, most people were quietly browsing through the treasures on the tables. I was aware of a person opposite me. We were both looking over the same table when she began to talk to me. She asked, “So, what is this L-A-R-C-H-E anyway?” Seeming to be unfamiliar with the word, she just spelled it out, She also seemed genuinely interested in knowing more. She continued, “I looked it up. I know it’s a tree.” In a split second the image rushed into my mind of L’Arche Avalon being like a larch tree - very tall, strong, having lots of branches and leaves, commonly living hundreds of years. The yard sale shopper and I continued to have a lovely conversation about L’Arche Avalon!

I am reminded of who we are as community by the words of the song, “We Walk One” by Miriam K. Martin, pbvm.

people going for a walk

We Walk One

We walk one, we celebrate life’s grand diversity,

we walk one, each single gift becomes our unity,

we walk one, we cannot walk alone.

We gather as a family, the dream larger than our fears,

the lantern light to lead the way, wisdom spirals through the years.

With listening hearts we open our eyes to the soundings of the earth,

the one and the many create the space for the vision to come to birth!

We walk one with the cosmic dance in the grace of all before,

with joy-filled steps we make our way, the great mystery to explore.

In L’Arche Avalon we are being called by each other to walk one with each other!

~Eleanor Phillpot

Spiritual Expressions

Yard Sale

The annual L'Arche Avalon yard sale was held on Canada Day this year.  Thanks to the generosity of L'Arche members, their friends, family and neighbours, we had a lot of items to sell.  We had a dedicated committee who worked hard to gather items, set up, work the tables, and clean up at the end.  Committee members were:  Marilyn Andrews, Cindy Bishop, Gail Eldridge, Eleanor Philpott, Michel Genest,  Diane Smyth and Lorraine Angelopoulos.  We made approximately $3200; $1300 more than last year.  A great success.  Thank you to the community at large for its support of L'Arche Avalon.

All proceeds go towards our goal of building the first L'Arche homes in this province.

Greetings from the chair

Summer greetings,

My sister Maureen and I have just returned from a wonderful week in Twillingate, where I was able to swim in the ocean every day. Water temperature was about 24 degrees which is very unusual, but so welcome after the heat of the day.

L’Arche activities continue and we really enjoy those times together. As I write, today was our usual Thursday lunch combined with the Ice Cream Social down by Quidi Vidi lake. On Saturday this week we will get together to make music in the music room at the university. We have fun as we parade, led by a violin or guitar through the wide halls which are now void of students, singing and making a joyful sound.

You are all welcome to join us for all our activities and bring any of your visitors and friends as well.  Everyone is welcome. Every month we email a Calendar of Events. If you do not receive one and would like to, please let us know by emailing office@larcheavalon.ca

Although things generally slow down or shut down completely in summer, we continue to work on our building project. Progress, as with the grinding of the mills of the gods*, is extremely slow; however, we are constantly moving forward. We will keep everyone updated when there are any new developments.

My best wishes to all for a happy and safe summer.

~Sheilah MacKinnon Drover

*Reference to the 3rd Century Greek philosopher and skeptic, Sextus Empirius.

Your Board Members

Sheilah Mackinnon Drover ~ Chair

Lewis Andrews ~ Vice-Chair

Lorraine Angelopoulos ~ Secretary

Cindy Bishop ~ Treasurer

Peter Barnes ~ Director

Sarah King ~ Director

Mary-Anne Stevens ~ Director

Featured Member

Paul Walsh ~ Director

Paul has been a member of L’Arche Avalon for a number of years, and was familiar with L’Arche beforehand.  He has lived experience with disability having been diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth.  Paul holds a B. Comm and an MBA majoring in Finance along with a Masters certificate in project management.  He has extensive volunteer experience on boards.  Professionally, Paul is CEO of the Autism Society of NL (ASNL).  Prior to assuming that role in January of 2021, he spent 35 years in private industry, the vast majority of which was in the electric utility industry.  He is a proud husband, father and grandfather.

Our Members have been out and about this summer!

L’arche Avalon member Anton wins Special Olympics award for Most Improved Swimmer

Anton wins Special Olympic award for Most Improved Swimmer

The William Nickerson Award for Swimming

(Presented by Coach Melissa T.)

This award is presented annually to the athlete who exhibits dedication, commitment and improvement to the Swimming Program 

Myself and our coaching team are pleased to present the Willian Nickerson Award to two deserving athletes this evening. 

Every year we present this award to a swimmer who has demonstrated the most improvement with respect to their individual swimming goals. 

Our first recipient is an athlete who has been involved in our program for several years. This athlete shows up every week to practice with a smile on their face. At first, this athlete was only able to stay in the pool for short periods of time but now stays in the pool for the entire practice. This athlete has transitioned from walking up and down the pool to using his arms to pull himself through the water. He work hard every week doing laps up and down the pool. Any coach that passes by can attest to the awesome singalong sessions during our swimming time. This athlete truly exemplifies the spirit of Special Olympics and I am proud to present the William Nickerson Award to Anton Buckley.

"Special Olympics is a wonderful, accepting, inclusive and fun organization to be part of. 

The volunteers are all fantastic, but especially Melissa, Sarah, Julia, Robin, Sue.Thanks to them Anton enjoys being in the pool doing laps! 

Thank you too to his buddy and care giver Anna Catherine, who has been taking Anton to the pool the last 3 years!!"


"And I will never give up on Anton, cheering him on when he goes up and down the pool with passion and enthusiasm. It’s been such an honour to watch him improve :)" 

~Anna-Catherine B.

Rosemary Lawton joins us!

Hello! My name is Rosemary Lawton, and I am a fiddle player and singer/songwriter from St. John’s. Over the past few years, I have been touring and performing across Canada and since the pandemic, I have been working with the Soundbone Foundation to bring performances to people who might have difficulty traveling to attend a concert. Because of Soundbone and Dr. Jan Buley, I was put in contact with L’Arche, and have been enjoying the last months singing and dancing with the members of the L’Arche community.  

Community Weekend

On the weekend of May 26, 2023, L’Arche Avalon held their annual community weekend. This year it was held at St Marks church community room. It was a great venue; accessible, roomy, full kitchen, lots of parking, and near the Virginia River walking trail.

L’Arche Atlantic regional director, Jenn Power, organized the weekend, along with special guest Cheryl Zinyk and a committee from L’Arche Avalon. The main focus of the weekend was inclusive storytelling. Cheryl had a vision and a plan for the presentation of the story “The Water of Life”.

The weekend started with a meet and greet Pizza lunch at the Buckley’s. Friday evening was a getting to know you session where we met our guests from L’Arche Antigonish and L’Arche Cape Breton. We chatted, introduced ourselves, and shared photos. We then spent some time practicing for the presentation of the story.

The actual storytelling on Saturday captured everyone’s interest and full attention and was totally interactive. On Saturday we were also able to go for a walk on the nature trail. We had good food and a great time of fellowship and participation.

Music was of course a part of all our sessions. A big thank you to our music team. Thanks also to everyone who attended, participated, and helped out over the weekend. A special thank you to Damien who took photos all weekend and prepared a lovely video for us to watch during our closing session.

It was a pleasure to meet and spend time with our guest core members and their assistants. A great weekend overall. Looking forward to the next one.

~ Marilyn

Summer Fun has been had by all!