A place where hospitality is at the heart of life
623 Lancaster Avenue Saint John, NB E2M 2M3
Tel. (506) 672 6504 info@larchesaintjohn.org
Community Leader : Rachel Vander Vennen

The seed of L’Arche Saint John was first planted in 1991, when an ecumenical faith fellowship began meeting to nurture a vision for this community. Over years of gathering regularly for activities, worship, and celebration, the group’s vision grew and spread. Finally, in 2005, L’Arche Saint John was able to open the doors of its first home, named McKim House in memory of George and Charlotte McKim, whose dedication played a key role in bringing L’Arche to New Brunswick.
McKim House continues to be a lively and welcoming home for the persons with intellectual disabilities and assistants who support them share daily life here, and a place where a wide diversity of people – volunteers, visitors, and friends, people of differing abilities – may connect with this community and discover relationships that transform them.
If you venture the streets of uptown Saint John, at 95 Prince William Street you will find Creative Connections, their lively artistic day program. Here, members of their community, along with friends and professional artists, come together and collaborate: creating beautiful art, through various forms and mediums, that allows each person to learn and to grow, while also creating a welcoming inclusive environment where all participants are safe to express themselves.
L’Arche Saint John recently launched a supported independent living program, L’Arche Connects. For some members, this is the first time in their lives they have their own apartment to call their own. Designed to help develop the skills needed to succeed in living independently, L’Arche Saint John is there to guide and support them as they forge a new chapter of their lives.
The Saint John community depends upon a great number of individuals who, identifying with their vision and wishing to see L’Arche flourish in New Brunswick, offer their energy and gifts through friendship and prayer, volunteering and fundraising. Together, they support members with disabilities to live their lives in a full and meaningful way, each valued as having a unique contribution to make, participating in the wider community, and growing in friendship.